Growth mindset, some insight.

Recently I got to know more and more about what growth mindset means, what the idea is, mainly because of this special place called Amal Academy. So to sum it up generally, to have a growth mindset means to yearn for learning new things, to have the drive and the passion to keep growing, evolving and be curious. A Growth mindset helps you learn from mistakes and helps you overcome your fears, it helps you believe that your goals are within your reach and that nothing is impossible as long as you’re willing to try.
So Amal academy gave us some really amazing tips, or ‘Totkay’, to help us develop, or at least start developing a growth mindset. I found the tips really helpful, they gave me a general idea of what to do next, what to change within me to start developing a growth mindset.
So to summarize, you need to start reflecting on yourself, what you lack and the areas of improvement, give yourself advice!, I’ve found out the best the advice is the one you give yourself. Also, to start changing things, learn new things and get out of your comfort zones, new challenges help us grow, and mistakes are one of our best teachers.

My favorite tips were to ask for help and to get out of our comfort zones, asking for help is the first step to self reflection, to accept that you lack something and that you’re willing to do something about it, to get out of your comfort zone and to accept challenges, rather look forward to them because only then you can truly grow. I personally have started to get used to this idea, to get out of our comfort zones, to learn new things, try new things and I’m trying to incorporate the idea of creating new habits. I’ll try to learn a new thing everyday and I’m hopeful it’ll lead to a fruitful turn of events.

Growth mindset is something that can be developed if one is willing to try. It only takes your willingness to be there, to do it and to see it through, some of the tips Amal gave us were really helpful. One can start doing something as similar as talking to themselves, to give positive insight, to give positive feedback and advice is something almost any of us can do. It’s a simple step towards a growth mindset, but it’s the simple things that bear fruits most of the time.