How Cloud Computing is changing the world.
What exactly is Cloud computing and why is it everywhere? To sum it up — Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing services — from applications to storage and processing power — typically over the internet and on a pay-as-you-go basis. Basically, you rent computing power over the internet and use as much as you need — kind of like electricity.
Many people wonder why “Cloud” why not some catchy name like “Remote Computing” or “Dynamic Computing”. A fundamental concept behind cloud computing is that the location of the service, and many of the details such as the hardware or operating system on which it is running, are made irrelevant to the user. It’s with this in mind that the metaphor of the “Cloud” was formed.

Cloud computing services cover a vast range of options, from simple storage services, networking, and processing power to natural language processing and artificial intelligence as well as standard office applications. Pretty much any service that doesn’t require you to be physically close to the computer hardware that you are using can now be delivered via the cloud. Cloud offers 3 main service models, namely: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.

Nowadays almost every app and system runs on a cloud-based architecture, consumer services like Gmail, Google Drive, Mega, and Microsoft Office 365 are some major examples of Cloud. Netflix also relies on Cloud services to run its video streaming service and its other business systems too and has a number of other organizations.

Building the infrastructure to support cloud computing now accounts for more than a third of all IT spending worldwide, according to research from IDC. Businesses are opting for a cloud-based model rather than on-premise due to the elasticity and scalability it offers. According to Gartner, global spending on cloud services will reach $260bn this year up from $219.6bn.
Cloud computing is creating many opportunities for Businesses by removing the constant need of developing and maintaining on-premise servers. This technology is on the rise and will surely change the perspective of computing altogether.