Nostalgia: The first two weeks of Amal academy.

Muhammad Daniyal Khan
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

It is said that everything holds a sentimental value, things remind us of the times passed, the memories shared, both good and bad. These memories are what defines us today, as Steve Jobs said “…the dots connected”.

The Amal fellowship is now at its epilogue. I reflected on what the fellowship meant to me, how it changed me, and how some memories got connected to some simple things. The first two weeks of Amal were no doubt a bit intimidating, the sessions went on for about 3 hours and I was facing new experiences. Before the official start of our fellowship, I received an email having a link to an amazing video on how to make effective notes. I took their advice and I bought a notebook for the fellowship, and I started taking notes during sessions and during the online courses. The idea of a notebook and a pen lying near a laptop takes me back to when the fellowship first started.

The Amal experience was like no other, there were no shortcuts, no getting out the easy way. We were given Project Works and due date, no spoon-feeding, and no reminding us to complete our PWs. After the first two sessions, I thought this will go on for another 11 weeks and wondered if I will be able to keep up with this as well as my courses and my University. I decided to keep going and to see the fellowship through.

The PWs were demanding, taking out the time and putting in the effort felt like a drag but this gave me a sense of responsibility. After the first 2 weeks, I learned nothing is achieved if there no initiative, no “Amal”. I learned that everything from our past has lead us down this path. I learned to take responsibility and start Now! instead of tomorrow.

At the end of the fellowship, I feel it was a good decision to pursue the fellowship. Along the way, I discovered my calling, my goals, the value of teamwork, friendship, the positive moments we shared, and most importantly I learned how to reflect on myself, keep growing and strive to become the best version of myself.



Muhammad Daniyal Khan

Wanderlust, tech enthusiast ."To infinity...and Beyond"-Yoda